Monday, September 15, 2008

Backpacking Honeymooners?

Why not? When The One Hotel opened we put up a sign outside that just our logo, the symbol for "One" in Khmer. No mention of hotel so if you were walking by, you would never know. I just did not see the need to advertise a one room hotel with a sign, better to make it exclusive to those that know about it. When we opened Hotel Be, however, we put a a beautiful sign that shows our logo:

Now we have so many people walking by that see our sign, look at our beautiful lobby sandwiched between AHA Restaurant and McDermott Gallery and come into ask about the hotel. As a result, we have been able to get last minute or walk-in bookings for Hotel Be. This past Saturday I was in the lobby and a couple comes in with their big backpacks. They asked about our rooms and I told them the price for deluxe was $95 which was a little too high for them. They are from Berlin, on a five week honeymoon trip so they are on a budget. They wanted to see the room and I told them when they got back I would make them a better deal. They loved the room and I was able to offer them a discount they could afford so everything was perfect. Except I forgot the deluxe room was booked for the next night and they want to stay three nights. What to do? The only thing I could do was to upgrade our honeymoon couple to a suite. Naturally they were surprised and delighted and they have been enjoying the last couple of days relaxing and spending time at Linga Bar having a drink, reading a book and talking to the local book sellers that wander by. Not only was it nice to have them stay with us, that means both hotels sold out for two nights. The honeymooners may stay one more night so that would be three nights sold out. Great!

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